Thursday, August 30, 2012

a royal good ju ju

Honoré here. Exactly one week ago today, many of us had taken up residency at Savage Mill, home of The Queen's Ink, for the long-awaited and too short workshops with Tim Holtz, the master and designer of all things creatively wonderful and amazing. 

This was my first workshop with Tim and all I can say is WOW! What a first class production both he and The Queen, Patti, put on. We were treated royally and had a first-class, very royal experience - or as Tim is oft fond of saying, a really good ju ju time.

I, along with about 120 others, took Tim's Journeys of the Past art journaling workshop,Thurs morning, 8/23. We created little tag journals while learning and/or refining skills and techniques using distress inks. Everything we needed was provided for us. Everything we needed was provided for us...from a pen and paper for writing to distress inks and dabbers to spray water bottles to glue sticks to the tags, ephemera, photos to instructions to baby wipes...and a host of wonderful memories.

Before the workshop began...
Autographs were in high demand...
Queen Patti welcoming us...
Tim introducing the workshop...
Kit contents...
clever idea: color code tops of dauber handles with ink color...

These are my three table mates and their tag journals. We all had the same ingredients and our "dishes" were each quite unique...and I think that's what made the workshop so memorable. It gave us the opportunity not only to stretch and learn but to also add our own imprimatur to our journals.

There's no telling when Tim will be in these parts again - Patti says he's booked for years in advance at other shops. All I have to say is if the opportunity ever presents itself to you to take a workshop from Tim, get thee registered pronto.

I had a grand time and want to give a big shout out to Tim and Co. and the Queen and her staff: Kudos! Kudos! You were each wonderful and thanks ever so much for making our experience royally good ju ju!


PS. Read more about Tim's visit on his new website/blog here.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

just a few art classes...

It's been a while...not that I've not been around. I have and in fact, I've taken several classes at The Queen's Ink since I last blogged. My focus this year, totally unplanned, has been on journaling and altered books. I think subconsciously I had that on my "list of things to do in 2012" and just proceeded...and I'm glad I did. I've had loads of fun and learned some neat tricks and tips from great teachers as well as meeting lots of new art journalers and reconnecting with some old ones. And that's really the best part of taking a class: the people connection. So, without further adieu, here are some photos from a few classes:

July 14 July 14 Jumpstart Your SMASH Journal with Suze Perrott (these are from the participants) :

And even though this workshop is over, Suze has another class scheduled Sat, Aug 18.*

From Karen Bearse's July 21 Art Journal Series - Session 3 class:

Our emphasis in this class was experimenting with Pan Pastel colors...luscious and a dream for working with. You can add colors to your page without fear of spilling the paint and moderate  the intensity with the special foam tools. The Queen's Ink carries Pan Pastels - they are a new product and the display is right across from the service desk. I'm sure there will be additional opportunities to take a class and I'm positive that if you'd like a little demo and to "test them out," Patti, Lolly and Janet will be delighted to oblige. I have that on good authority ;-)). Just a warning: Pan Pastels are addictive so hang onto your wallet!
Karen has another art journaling class in the series scheduled for September 22; at the time this post is going to press, the focus hasn't been determined so check the class schedule around the first of the month for more details.

From Patti's Christmas in July 25 Decorative Cigar Box class:

July 25 was a perfect day: the weather was ideal and the class was so much fun. We made boxes with a Christmas theme. As I've experienced and said before, this is such a fun, fun and satisfying project. In fact, it's just plain addictive and if you've not taken the class, do sign up. You won't be at all disappointed. I promise. N.B. The class is being offered again Sunday, August 26*!!!

Patti had been away all morning and Smartie just plain missed her. He's such a good dog and when she came to the shop, Smartie stuck to her like glue for the rest of the afternoon.

As I've looked over the schedule of classes this summer and those upcoming, I can only say one thing: I need to be cloned. Just think of all the fun I'd have.

I'll look forward to seeing you in a class soon.


*Call the shop at 301-497-9449 to register and/or determine if there are available spaces.